It was embarrassing and knew I needed to up my game if I wanted to make it in the industry. That's when I developed my process for Asking Better Questions. Whether you're in broadcasting or business you'll benefit from this series and discover how to ask better questions that conventional wisdom would never reveal.
That’s what Jen Mueller has discovered throughout her 20-year career as a sports broadcaster. Here’s what else she’s learned while interviewing franchise quarterbacks, Hall of Famers, up-and-coming stars, general managers, head coaches and everyone in between:
“What is really unique about being interviewed by Jen is her energy, enthusiasm and instincts. She knows how to bring out the most compelling aspects of the conversation and keep people engaged in an authentic and genuine way. As an interviewee, you almost immediately find yourself raising your game and leaning in, as she creates an atmosphere of trust and familiarity from the very start of the discussion.”
Mike Fridgen, Managing Director at Madrona Venture Labs
"Being interviewed by Jen is so refreshing. She's very knowledgeable and presents her questions in ways that makes it easier to give in-depth answers."
Duane Brown, Seattle Seahawks Pro Bowl Tackle
"Jen has a very unusual ability to quickly get to the heart of a mater with heart, making conversations meaningful and powerful."
Aaron Hurst, Founder & CEO Imperative
"Jen is my question muse! She taught me to skip meandering interview questions like “tell me about a time,” and right to framing the question that I really wanted the answer to. I use Jen’s techniques when I’m looking for the best questions to ask potential candidates for Madrona’s portfolio companies. I’ve used her strategies to lead more impactful conversations and when talking to leaders in our portfolio of companies about culture and diverse hiring practices.”
Shannon Anderson, Talent Director Madrona Venture Group
"Jen is a masterful speaker and teacher. I've been interviewing people for the last twenty years of my HR career, yet I still learned several new tips in her workshop about Asking Better Questions. Regardless of your professional experience, style, and preferences (for instance, introvert vs. extravert) Jen will show you how to dig deeper going way beyond the obvious."
Mikaela Kiner, Founder/CEO Reverb
"Very practical, bite-sized series that will change the way you have conversations, and thereby build relationships in your personal and professional lives. This course is not some theoretical exercise, but rather is based on decades of Jen’s experience interviewing and developing relationship with top professional athletes. It’s an absolute “must listen to” for any client facing professional."
It’s not a very good question. It rarely leads to a good answer and yet it’s often a go-to greeting or conversation starter.
That’s just one example of a frequently asked question that needs to be upgraded to get a real response.
Without better questions most conversations are just a waste of time. It’s the reason you feel frustrated over not getting the answers you need in virtual meetings or feeling like it’s impossible to truly connect in the current environment.
Jen’s process for Asking Better Questions helps you become more strategic and intentional with questions you ask. You’ll discover:
In the end, you’ll also become a better listener, have more interesting conversations and get the answers you need as a result of Asking Better Questions.
The videos range from 4-12 minutes long making it possible for you to ask more strategic questions in just minutes - because you can’t expect anyone to give you a thoughtful answer if you didn’t put any thought into the question.
"In a time where many of us are seeking deeper connection, Jen provides practical, manageable steps to cut through the noise and get to know the people and information you desire in a more effective way."
Madison Kaufman, Media Professional
"There is a lot of information packed into this series, but it is never overwhelming and is delivered in a concise, easy to understand way. The techniques Jen teaches in this series are unique and brought small, surprisingly significant details to my attention that I had never thought of before."
Ethan McReynolds, Journalism student
"Whether you’re looking to build connections with your team, potential clients, or crush an interview, her tips are applicable and actionable from Day 1. She made me think about how to be more strategic and intentional with the questions I’m asking, starting with the basic “How are you?”
Logan Clements, Event Producer & Owner, Logan Strategy Group
"It doesn’t matter if you’re on the field, inside the boardroom, or Zooming as you continually build relationships. However, it does matter if you can effectively set yourself apart by understanding the effect of quality questions. Jen Mueller’s “Asking Better Questions” video series will enable you to build stronger professional relationships by learning that small changes can create a big difference in the way you communicate. “Asking Better Questions” has helped me accomplish more with my financial clients than I could have imagined. Jen’s video series is a smart choice. It’s money in the bank."
- Dave Carroll, Vice President, Banner Bank
"This series has helped me to hone my skills on asking the right questions with ease. I’m continuing to learn how to efficiently get quality responses to the questions I want answers to! There are several key tips that I would have never considered. Being ahead of the game and thinking through my questions has led to keeping the conversation on track and getting better answers as a result."
– Amanda H., Customer Experience Director
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Issaquah, WA 98027-5341
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