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Learn from a Leader: Leading from Your Lane

There’s no one way to lead. Don’t worry about whether you’re doing it right or not. Focus on staying in the leadership lane that feels most comfortable to you and and if you're encouraging others to lead give them a comfortable space to lead.

Personally, I’ve led from the front of the room. (My 8-year-old self was frequently “volunteered” to go first at piano recitals.
I've led from the back of the room. (When you’re the only female in a room full of football officials, just being in the room is leadership.)
I’ve led when no one is watching. (By continuing to work after everyone goes home to ease the workload on a colleague.)
I've led when everyone is watching. (Thousands of people watch my post-game interviews after milestone games.) 
You can lead in a number of different ways. It starts by how you lead yourself as former NFL General Manager Randy Mueller explained during a Learn From a Leader session.

You can find more leadership advice and Learn from a Leader insights on YouTube


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