5 Common Phrases that Sabotage Effective Communication
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Our Blog Posts will help you reach your full potential in becoming a confident conversationalist. New topics each week.

Communicating with Remote Teams: Include data and connection

A remote work environment doesn't change the preferred communication style of the people working remotely. 

A remote environment does change your ability to read the room to figure out if you've landed your message. 

It's tricky without audience feedback and engagement. 

Here's what you need to do when preparing presentations, trainings and most messaging with your virtual team, account for two main types of people: data-driven and connection-driven.  

Communicating in a way that people want to hear, or are able to hear, that message increases the likelihood of landing your message in a way that sparks action. 

The video explains more.  

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Communicating With Remote Teams: Increase Audience Engagement

Audience participation requires prompting. 

It's not enough to encourage your remote team to "weigh in with questions" or "let me know what you think." It sounds like you're encouraging engagement and interaction but you audience still doesn't have clear direction or guidelines.

  • What should they be asking questions about?
  • How long do they have to ask questions?
  • What kind of thoughts would you like? Good ones? Bad ones?

Maintaining collaboration, teamwork and engagement are important aspects in leading a remote team, so don't leave it to chance. Be intentional about setting up scenarios that promote interaction and guarantee engagement. 

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