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Sports Conversation Starters for Your Workweek

conversation starters Dec 20, 2020

We’ve made it to Christmas week (something that didn’t seem possible at various points in the year!)


Whether you’re gathering with family and friends or connecting virtually, you’re likely to have conversations with loved ones this week. There’s also a good chance that not every conversation goes as planned.

But often just having the conversation is a win and a step toward maintaining relationships or building stronger ones.

And relationships, like wins in the NFL, don’t get graded on style points.

Embrace the opportunity to talk to others this week, especially if you can’t embrace them in person. You can use these sports conversation starters to get things rolling.

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Sports Conversation Starters for Your Workweek

I quote National Lampoons Christmas Vacation way too much this time of year. I mean, how could you resist a classic exchange like this:

“Why is the carpet all wet Todd?”

“I don’t KNOW Margo.”

Quoting Christmas movies over and over again is acceptable. Having the same conversation over and over is boring. Even if you mean well by asking, “How are you?” You’re potentially setting up the same basic response, “Good! How are you?” and a boring exchange that doesn’t get you very far in a conversation. 

Make sure you have a way to break out the norm. Don’t quote the same opening conversation lines. Use these sports topics in small talk this week (if you get tired of quoting Christmas movies, that is.)

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Sports Conversation Starters for Your Workweek

What do you bring to conversations? Joy? Optimism? Thoughtfulness? Pessimism? Anger? 

Maybe you haven't stopped to think about it, but your conversation skills are as much a part of your personal brand as anything else. Make sure you're sending the message and convey the values you intend in every conversation. 

You can start with these sports conversation starters. 

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Sports Conversation Starters for Your Workweek

conversation starters Nov 29, 2020

The text read “32 days, 8 hours, 43 minutes until 2021.”

One of my broadcast partners posted it in a group chat yesterday reinforcing there’s a definite desire to just get through this year. 

If it feels like you’re just getting by or if what’s next seems like a long way off, reach out to someone and chat. You can start the conversation by using one of these techniques or use these sports conversation starters to open the lines of communication and promote the back-and-forth that strengthens relationships.

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Sports Conversation Starters for Your Workweek

conversation starters Nov 22, 2020

Thanksgiving traditions, like everything else in 2020, will look a little different.

Here’s what stays the same – football and a chance to connect. 

Football is as much of a Thanksgiving tradition as turkey, but the conversations don’t have to be about the game. You could place friendly wagers on guessing the next commercial that comes on TV or the next cutaway shot (camera that’s focused on something other than play or the field of play.) You could use the game as a springboard into conversations about high school glory days, trips you’ve taken to cities involving the games, or even things you’d rather talk about other than sports and football.

Whatever it is, use sports to connect virtually and in person this week.

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Sports Conversation Starters for Your Workweek

conversation starters Nov 15, 2020

Every athlete and coach will tell you consistency is key. It’s consistently showing up, putting in the work, performing and communicating.

Consistency pays off when building relationships too. Keep showing up in small talk and use these sports conversation starters to get started.

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Sports Conversation Starters for Your Workweek

Halfway through the NFL season I feel (mostly) comfortable with how I’m maintaining and building relationships without stepping foot in a locker room, on a sideline or being able to have in-person conversations.

All the time I’ve spent over the years getting to know the Seahawks players and coaches pays off now when I have to rely on different forms of communication.

Here’s the thing – you can’t maintain a relationship if you never started building one.

Every conversation counts towards building relationships, and every single relationship I’ve built inside the Seahawks locker room started with small talk.

Small talk matters. Make the conversation count. Use these sports #ConvoStarters to get the ball rolling.

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Sports Conversation Starters for Your Workweek

conversation starters Nov 01, 2020

I can’t believe it’s November. I also can’t believe my brother hasn’t sent his yearly wish-list email yet. His birthday is next week, and for the last several years he has sent a combined birthday/Christmas wish list to the entire family. At first I thought it was ridiculous, then I found it helpful, now I look forward to seeing it.

I realize you don’t care about my brother’s birthday. Here’s what you should care about - having a strategy that allows you to show up consistently to the point people expect to hear from you.

Once a year isn’t enough to build a business relationship. You need an opportunity to converse or interact monthly and weekly. These weekly conversation starters help with that.

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Sports Conversation Starters for Your Workweek

conversation starters Oct 26, 2020

The date caught me off guard.

It shouldn’t have, I look at the calendar every day but yesterday I realized this is the final week of October. Then I realized how much I had planned to get done but am still hustling to finish before the end of the month. Things I thought would be so easy to accomplish now feel like a grind. How often has this happened to you?

How often does this show in up in your conversations? That Zoom catch-up you meant to schedule, the long overdue call home to check in in on family, the follow ups you intended with clients.

Busyness and overwhelm can trump best intentions. Build those conversations and storylines into your regular interactions by using sports small talk.

You don’t need lengthy conversations to stay in touch, you do, however, need touch points.  A quick email or text that says, “Wow! What did you think of how that game ended?” or “That was a big win for your team yesterday.” Is a way to stay in touch,...

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Sports Conversation Starters for Your Workweek

conversation starters Oct 12, 2020

What if you practiced diplomacy in conversations where emotional responses are the norm? Like in sports small talk. 

It’s common, expected and even encouraged that sports fans react emotionally to outcomes that affect their team or favorite player.

But what if you changed the tone of the conversation this week and choose a more diplomatic way to describe your enthusiasm at seeing a division opponent or rival lose on a last-second play? (Or your joy at watching Tom Brady lose track of the downs during a Thursday night loss to Chicago.)

What if you practiced controlling your emotions in conversations and scenarios where emotional responses are acceptable?

What if that carried over, not just in your conversations but in how others started interacting with you?

What if it all started with these sports conversation starters this week?

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